Charles Barkley lo warriors jersey and shorts ses wallet in Chipotle, thanks fan who returned it, gets roasted for still using wallet

stephen curry jersey replica Dwyane Wade nba finals steph curry jersey Rajon Rondo A lot like guacamole, Charles Barkley is extra.The NBA analyst has a tendency of being a bit

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A lot like guacamole, Charles Barkley is extra.

The NBA analyst has a tendency of being a bit of a handful, as fans know, and on Monday Demar Derozan he went above and beyond in his thanks to a fan that returned his misplaced wallet.

Barkley, who recently dined at the fan-favorite burrito joint Chipotle, had misplaced his wallet in teh restaurant. But a caring, responsible fan had found it, and went the distance to return Barkley's wallet to him. Barkley, in turn, took up some valuable real estate during the "NBA on TNT" halftime show to thank the fan.

Can gary payton ii jersey warriors I give a shout-out? It's important. I wanna g stephen curry all-star jers Blake Griffin ey 2021 ive a shout-out to a cat, he's a Georgia Bulldog, his name is Matt Pyles. I hope I'm pronouncing his name correctly. I lost my wallet today, Ernie. And Matt Pyles — P-Y-L-E-S, I hope I'm saying his name right — he returned it. He got in touch with TNT and he gave me my wal steph curry jersey ireland let back. And that was really awesome. I lost it at Chipotle, and I didn't even know it. 

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The shoutout was cut a little short by the "NBA steph curry 5t jersey on TNT" crew immediately roasting Barkley for still carrying a wallet, much to Chuck's confusion. (And everyone else, really.)

Wallets or no wallets, it's cool that Pyles NBA T-Shirts didn't just take the wallet and run. Chipotle thinks so, too, who is currently searching for the real Matt Pyles to offer him a sweet reward — a year's worth of that delicious burrito goodness.

"In search of Matt Pyles… if found return to Chipotle. We have free burritos for a year with his name on them," Chipotle tweeted.

Wait, wallets are still a thing, right? 

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